Text classification

Dynamic few-shot text classification


Dynamic Few-Shot Classification is an extension of Few-Shot Text Classification that is more suitable for larger datasets. Instead of using a fixed set of examples for each class, it constructs a dynamic subset for each sample on the fly. This allows to efficiently utilize the limited contex window of the model and save the number of consumed tokens.

Let's consider a toy example, where the goal is to determine whether the review is about a book or a movie. The training dataset consists of 6 samples, 3 for each class:

X = [
    "I love reading science fiction novels, they transport me to other worlds.", # example 1 - book - sci-fi
    "A good mystery novel keeps me guessing until the very end.", # example 2 - book - mystery
    "Historical novels give me a sense of different times and places.", # example 3 - book - historical
    "I love watching science fiction movies, they transport me to other galaxies.", # example 4 - movie - sci-fi
    "A good mystery movie keeps me on the edge of my seat.", # example 5 - movie - mystery
    "Historical movies offer a glimpse into the past.", # example 6 - movie - historical

y = ["books", "books", "books", "movies", "movies", "movies"]

Now let's say we want to classify the following review:

I have fallen deeply in love with this sci-fi book; its unique blend of science and fiction has me spellbound.

Since the query is about a sci-fi book, we would like to only examples 1 and 4 to be used for classification, since they are the most relevant. If we use the dynamic few-shot classifier with 1 example per class, and investigate which examples were selected, we can see that the model successfully identified examples 1 and 4 as the most relevant ones:

from skllm.models.gpt.classification.few_shot import DynamicFewShotGPTClassifier

query = "I have fallen deeply in love with this sci-fi book; its unique blend of science and fiction has me spellbound."

clf = DynamicFewShotGPTClassifier(n_examples=1).fit(X,y)

prompt = clf._get_prompt(query)

Sample input:
"I love reading science fiction novels, they transport me to other worlds."

Sample target: books

Sample input:
"I love watching science fiction movies, they transport me to other galaxies."

Sample target: movies


This is achieved by adding a KNN search algorithm as an additional preprocessor. If we assume that the most relevant examples are the closest ones in space, then the problem reduces to a nearest neighbors search and can be tackled in three steps:

  1. Vectorization: Before doing the nearest neighbors search, the training set must be vectorized using an embedding model.
  2. Index construction using an arbitrary nearest neighbors search algorithm. The index allows to efficiently retrieve the nearest neighbors from each class. Currently Scikit-Learn KNN and Annoy are supported, but it is possible to add a custom index as well.
  3. Balanced sampling: The last thing to be accounted for is a class balancing. If only N nearest neighbors are selected for a few-shot prompting, there is a very high risk that some of the classes will be underrepresented or missing completely. To mitigate this issue, instead of creating a single index, the training data is partitioned by class. In this way, we are able to sample N examples from each class, ensuring the equal representation of each class.

API Reference

The following API reference only lists the parameters needed for the initialization of the estimator. The remaining methods follow the syntax of a scikit-learn classifier.


from skllm.models.gpt.classification.few_shot import DynamicFewShotGPTClassifier
modelstrModel to use, by default "gpt-3.5-turbo".
default_labelstrDefault label for failed prediction; if "Random" -> selects randomly based on class frequencies, by default "Random".
prompt_templateOptional[str]Custom prompt template to use, by default None.
keyOptional[str]Estimator-specific API key; if None, retrieved from the global config, by default None.
n_examplesintNumber of closest examples per class to be retrieved, by default 3.
memory_indexOptional[IndexConstructor]Custom memory index, for details check skllm.memory submodule, by default None.
vectorizerOptional[BaseVectorizer]Scikit-LLM vectorizer; if None, GPTVectorizer is used, by default None.
metricOptional[str]Metric used for similarity search by the memory_index, by default "euclidean"
Few-shot text classification