Text classification

Tunable text classification


Tunable estimators allow to fine-tune the underlying LLM for a classification task. Usually, tuning is performed directly in the cloud (e.g. OpenAI, Vertex), therefore it is not required to have a GPU on your local machine. However, be aware that tuning can be costly and time-consuming. We recommend to first try the in-context learning estimators, and only if they do not provide satisfactory results, to try the tunable estimators.

Example using GPT-3.5-Turbo-0613:

from skllm.models.gpt.classification.tunable import GPTClassifier

X, y = get_classification_dataset()
clf = GPTClassifier(n_epochs=1)

API Reference

The following API reference only lists the parameters needed for the initialization of the estimator. The remaining methods follow the syntax of a scikit-learn classifier.


from skllm.models.gpt.classification.tunable import GPTClassifier
base_modelstrBase model to use, by default "gpt-3.5-turbo-0613".
default_labelstrDefault label for failed prediction; if "Random" -> selects randomly based on class frequencies, by default "Random".
keyOptional[str]Estimator-specific API key; if None, retrieved from the global config, by default None.
orgOptional[str]Estimator-specific ORG key; if None, retrieved from the global config, by default None.
n_epochsOptional[int]Number of epochs; if None, determined automatically; by default None.
custom_suffixOptional[str]Custom suffix of the tuned model, used for naming purposes only, by default "skllm".
prompt_templateOptional[str]Custom prompt template to use, by default None.


from skllm.models.gpt.classification.tunable import MultiLabelGPTClassifier
base_modelstrBase model to use, by default "gpt-3.5-turbo-0613".
default_labelstrDefault label for failed prediction; if "Random" -> selects randomly based on class frequencies, by default "Random".
keyOptional[str]Estimator-specific API key; if None, retrieved from the global config, by default None.
orgOptional[str]Estimator-specific ORG key; if None, retrieved from the global config, by default None.
n_epochsOptional[int]Number of epochs; if None, determined automatically; by default None.
custom_suffixOptional[str]Custom suffix of the tuned model, used for naming purposes only, by default "skllm".
prompt_templateOptional[str]Custom prompt template to use, by default None.
max_labelsOptional[int]Maximum labels per sample, by default 5.


from skllm.models.vertex.classification.tunable import VertexClassifier
base_modelstrBase model to use, by default "text-bison@002".
n_update_stepsintNumber of epochs, by default 1.
default_labelstrDefault label for failed prediction; if "Random" -> selects randomly based on class frequencies, by default "Random".
Chain-of-thought text classification